Blaines Anderson

Image of Blaines Anderson

Full Name: Blaines Anderson
Personnel ID Number: 157-118237128010263831
Email: gro.noitadnuof|nosrednAB#gro.noitadnuof|nosrednAB
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Ethnicity: Australian
Height: 188cm
Weight: 85kg
Birthplace: Greenfield, Brisbane
Date of Birth: June 11, 1978
Enlistment Date: October 26, 2011
Security Clearance

  • Level-1 (2011-2012)
  • Level-2 (2012-2013)
  • Level-3 (2013-2020)
  • Level-3 (2021-Present)

Personnel Class: A
Mobile Task Force Nu-7 (2021-Present)

  • Scientific Intern (2011-2012) [At Site 20]
  • Junior Researcher (2012-2014) [At Site 20]
  • Researcher (2014-2017) [At Site 21]
  • Security Department Trainee (2017-2018) [At Site 21]
  • Mobile Task Force Nu-7 (2019-2020-Present) [At Site 21]

Educational Background:

  • Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology (1996-2000)
  • Graduated with a GPA of 3.92
  • ADFA Military Campus (2000-2003)

Occupational History:

  • ADF Military Officer Cadet (2003-2004)
  • ADF Military Lieutenant (2004-2006)
  • ADF Military Captain (2006-2008
  • ADF Military Force Major (2008-2011)
  • SCP Foundation Researcher (2011-2017)
  • SCP Foundation Security (2017-2018)
  • SCP Foundation MTF Nu-7 (2018-2020)
  • [REDACTED] (2020-2021)


  • Eye color: Dark Brown; Can see well in almost any light level without any shades or time to adjust; Only has 1 working eye, the other is simply a dark pit going into his skull.
  • Hair Color: Dark Red; As the old saying goes, "Red Heads Really have NO SOULS"
  • Burns: Large Burns are found on the back, shoulders, and Head with the head's burns being the worst with dark red burned skin, and a deep cavernous hole where his left eye used to be.

Personality Traits:
Blaines Anderson is most of the time seen as a cold and heartless man having no care for anyone other than himself and his entertainment. He is very reserved only every talking when being asked or to issue a command or relay orders. He does not care for human life on his own and only ever sees the full picture, so most of the time 1 or 2 D-Class or even civilians don't really mean much to him and has even been seen with a smile on his face while killing off any form of human life, once even killing a mother and a 5-year-old child simply because their MTF team had no time to give Amnestics after SCP-682 had broke containment and escaped and passed though a desert highway and simply had to kill them and move on.

Brief History: Blaines Anderson is up there in the top 5 Researchers that have killed the most D-Class in all the foundation. Most of the time he only really takes an interest in what the SCPs are doing and never in human safety, sometimes actively throwing 5 D-Class at a Skipp just to get it to show any reaction or change. He used to look a lot more normal, act a lot more normal, and… would have sympathy, unlike the more strange and deadly type that he is today. Around October 2013, Site-20 was experiencing a mass containment breach with most of the site personal either dead or dying. Blaines managed to survive and call in MTF backups, however when MTF arrived at the Site all they saw was death! and right outside Gate-A was Blaines Anderson burned from the head down to the wast with large scares up and down his legs laughing like a deranged monster with 5 unknown SCPs at his feet. After the Site was recontain which took months of time and effort, Blaines Anderson had regained his sanity after witnessing unknown amounts of horror in the depths of Site 20, and even today the mention of that Site let alone the Breach of 2013 by anyone below a level 2 clearness will be shot dead on sight! After these events and 3 more years as a researcher where he would get his D-Class body count, he was moved to SD simply because of his military background and because he was starting to take a toll on the foundations supple of D-Class as a whole. After 1 Year of SD he was offered a promotion to MTF Nu-7 since he could be way more useful as an MTF than a SD guard. After that Blaines Anderson went to grow his reputation as an MTF rising through the ranks until late 2020 where he disappeared after the Sitewide breach at Site 21, the events that follow are REDACTED due to the direct authority of 05-4 and due to this event, Blaines Anderson has been stripped of his position and his rank and must show his loyalty to the foundation once again!

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