Dr. Grant Forest Blond


Picture of Dr. Grant Forest Blond

Full Name: Grant Forest Blond
Personnel ID Number: 682-694027507082723358
Email: gro.noitadnuof|dnolbpg#gro.noitadnuof|dnolbpg
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White American
Height: 187cm
Weight: 58kg
Birthplace: Memphis, Tennesse
Date of Birth: June 12th, 1983
Enlistment Date: August 26th, 2007

Security Clearance:

* Level-1 (2007-2011)
* Level-2 (2011-Present)

Personnel Class: A

* Scientific Department (2007-Present)
* Ontokenetics (2020-Present)
* Research and Experimentation (2018-Present)


* Scientific Student (2007-2010)
* Scientific Intern (2010-2011)
* Junior Researcher (2011-2014)
* Researcher (2014-2019)
* Senior Researcher (2019-Present)

Educational Background:

* Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences (1994-1998)
* Harvard University (1998-2003)
* International Center of Occultic Studies Parascience Course (2007)

Occupational History:

* Physiologist at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (1999-2006)
* SCP Foundation Employee (2007-Present)

Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Charcoal
Skin Color: Peach
Personality: Kind but Witting. Is very out going to where Merlin gets on to him every now and again.

Biography Prior Foundation:

Grant was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1983. Born into a wealthy family, Harrison was able to attend high end schools and purchase highly sought after tutors for their studies. Grant attended the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences from 1994 to 1998, then attending the University of Harvard from 1998 to 2003. Grant Blond has won 3 awards, Best Inventor, Employee of the Year, and Top Physiologist of the Year.

Biography at Foundation:

Dr. Grant F. Blond is a Researcher at the SCP Foundation, working as a Level-3 Class-B Researcher for the Foundation. Dr. Grant Blond joined the SCP Foundation August 26th, 2007 with one goal, Keeping Humanity Safe from Any and All Anomalies. Another thing about Dr. Grant Blond is that he is is a different person in very stressful situations. An account of his behavior was during a containment breach on October 21st, 20██, where Dr. Grant Blond was found hiding behind
[DATA EXPUNGED] while Mobile Task Force members where doing a sweep of the facility.

Recorded Interview:

[Recording Begin]

Unknown Interviewer: "Good Evening. My name is [EXPUNGED]. How are you?"

Dr. Grant F. Blond: "I'm doing great, now that I'm here."

Unknown Interviewer: "Good, good. Now, let's begin with a few questions."

Dr. Grant F. Blond: "I'm all ears." [Grant moves chair closer to the table]

Unknown Interviewer: "Have you ever heard of the [REDACTED] Foundation?"

Dr. Grant F. Blond: "Not till I was asked by a man on campus during my break. He seemed… off…"

Unknown Interviewer: "And how did this man seem off?"

Dr. Grant F. Blond: "He asked me if I had ever seen a god, which obviously grabbed my attention. After about a minute of conversation, I looked away for a second, and he was gone. Poof, just like that." [Grant Snaps] "I was very keen on seeing what this place was, and seeing if they had any jobs open, because of his words, it intrigued me."

Unknown Interviewer: "Well, your in luck. Because we have an Internship open here at the
[REDACTED] Foundation."

Dr. Grant F. Blond: "Well, I would love to apply."

Unknown Interviewer: [Hands Harrison a Folder] "Welcome to the Foundation. I hope you enjoy the rabbit hole you've just assigned yourself to…"

[End Recording]

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